SlideIO 2.0.0
Open-source library for reading of medical images
This is the complete list of members for slideio::Scene, including all inherited members.
getAuxImage(const std::string &imageName) const | slideio::Scene | virtual |
getAuxImageNames() const | slideio::Scene | virtual |
getBlockSize(const std::tuple< int, int > &blockSize, int refChannel, int numChannels, int numSlices, int numFrames) const | slideio::Scene | |
getChannelDataType(int channel) const | slideio::Scene | |
getChannelName(int channel) const | slideio::Scene | |
getCompression() const | slideio::Scene | |
getFilePath() const | slideio::Scene | |
getMagnification() const | slideio::Scene | |
getName() const | slideio::Scene | |
getNumAuxImages() const | slideio::Scene | virtual |
getNumChannels() const | slideio::Scene | |
getNumTFrames() | slideio::Scene | |
getNumZSlices() | slideio::Scene | |
getRawMetadata() const | slideio::Scene | |
getRect() const | slideio::Scene | |
getResolution() const | slideio::Scene | |
getTFrameResolution() const | slideio::Scene | |
getZSliceResolution() const | slideio::Scene | |
read4DBlock(const std::tuple< int, int, int, int > &blockRect, const std::tuple< int, int > &zSliceRange, const std::tuple< int, int > &timeFrameRange, void *buffer, size_t bufferSize) | slideio::Scene | |
read4DBlockChannels(const std::tuple< int, int, int, int > &blockRect, const std::vector< int > &channelIndices, const std::tuple< int, int > &zSliceRange, const std::tuple< int, int > &timeFrameRange, void *buffer, size_t bufferSize) | slideio::Scene | |
readBlock(const std::tuple< int, int, int, int > &blockRect, void *buffer, size_t bufferSize) | slideio::Scene | |
readBlockChannels(const std::tuple< int, int, int, int > &blockRect, const std::vector< int > &channelIndices, void *buffer, size_t bufferSize) | slideio::Scene | |
readResampled4DBlock(const std::tuple< int, int, int, int > &blockRect, const std::tuple< int, int > &blockSize, const std::tuple< int, int > &zSliceRange, const std::tuple< int, int > &timeFrameRange, void *buffer, size_t bufferSize) | slideio::Scene | |
readResampled4DBlockChannels(const std::tuple< int, int, int, int > &blockRect, const std::tuple< int, int > &blockSize, const std::vector< int > &channelIndices, const std::tuple< int, int > &zSliceRange, const std::tuple< int, int > &timeFrameRange, void *buffer, size_t bufferSize) | slideio::Scene | |
readResampledBlock(const std::tuple< int, int, int, int > &blockRect, const std::tuple< int, int > &blockSize, void *buffer, size_t bufferSize) | slideio::Scene | |
readResampledBlockChannels(const std::tuple< int, int, int, int > &blockRect, const std::tuple< int, int > &blockSize, const std::vector< int > &channelIndices, void *buffer, size_t bufferSize) | slideio::Scene |